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Break Free From Fragmented Systems With Integrated ASP.NET Solutions

Many companies use legacy systems and manual processes, struggling with disjointed workflows and data silos. Disjointed workflows and fragmented data sources are common pain points for healthcare revenue cycle operations, affecting prior authorization and denials prevention.

According to a survey of healthcare executives, nearly 50% of respondents struggled with prior authorization, and almost 40% struggled with denials prevention, hurting productivity. Integrated ASP.NET software consolidates systems for efficiency.

Standardizing on ASP.NET as an enterprise platform provides robust tools and capabilities for rapidly building integrated solutions.



credibility on executing successful projects


Years of

years of experience for almost four decades

Discover the Power of Custom ASP.NET Software

While off-the-shelf solutions have limits, custom ASP.NET software aligns perfectly with unique needs. Our expert ASP.NET developers with at least 5+ years experience collaborate to build future-proof solutions that give a competitive edge. Tailoring the software design and architecture specifically for your business provides capabilities that match precise requirements.

We know digital transformation can feel risky and disruptive. Many worry about integration challenges, costs, and lacking expertise.

We ease concerns through incremental modernization based on proven methodologies. Our phased approach realizes ROI faster while reducing disruption. With our ASP.NET experts guiding you, you can finally replace aging systems confidently.

Hands sifting through code on a laptop demonstrate customizing ASP.NET applications to precisely meet unique needs.

Still Skeptical a System Built on ASP.NET is Worth It?

We know change is tough. You may worry about costs, disruption, integration challenges, and user adoption. We guide you through smooth, incremental modernization to reduce risk and deliver rapid ROI.

Our agile process delivers regular value in small phases, minimizing disruption while quickly yielding benefits that build stakeholder support for enhancements. It's understandable to feel reluctant to move on from familiar legacy systems and processes. Disruptive change can be daunting, even if the status quo holds you back.

You may worry about integration challenges, business disruption, or employee frustration learning new software. But we've helped many overcome modernization concerns through incremental progress and extensive training and support for smooth onboarding. Don't let fear of change hold your business back.

Build Your ASP.NET App with Skilled Developers

Our pre-vetted talent contributes from day one, avoiding lengthy recruitment and getting proven expertise when needed.

Cambria developers collaborating on whiteboards eased concerns through proven incremental modernization.


  • Microservices Architecture
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  • API Integration
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  • Customized Security
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  • User-Centric Design
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  • Real-Time Analytics
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Cambria Website on Mobile Phone


  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership
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  • Greater Efficiency
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  • Flexibility
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  • Future-Proof
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  • Focus on Core Business
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Discover How Our ASP.NET Experts Can Guide You

software outsourcing

Software Development Outsourcing

Our developers build and manage your ASP.NET software project end-to-end.

custom programming

Custom Software Development

Our team collaborates with you to build custom ASP.NET systems tailored to your needs.

staff augmentation

Software Staff Augmentation

Our ASP.NET experts integrate into your team to share knowledge and ramp up delivery capabilities.

Achieve Your Digital Transformation Goals with ASP.NET

Our teams help companies achieve their digital transformation goals with expertise across industries.

  • Digital Transformation Vision. With expertise across industries, our teams help leading companies modernize systems, improve agility, and deliver digital products faster. We follow proven approaches refined over 2565+ successful projects, so you benefit from our experience.

  • Omnichannel Experiences. Create seamless customer journeys across all touchpoints with our user experience design services. Our UX experts research buyer psychology, gather user insights through interviews and surveys, prototype interactions, and design interfaces optimized for higher conversion rates.

With our proven approaches and user experience design services, we deliver world-class results.

Global maps connected by fiber optic lines show achieving digital goals across industries with ASP.NET expertise.

What Our Clients Say

Here are some unsolicited testimonials from our clients.




Clutch Satisfaction Rating

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“Cambria Corporation is incredibly responsive, helpful, and accommodating. Cambria Corporation has delivered a responsive and easy-to-navigate site, which was well-received by visitors. The flexible, collaborative team exceeds expectations through their responsiveness, insightful recommendations, and ability to quickly fix issues and provide top-notch client support.”

Michael Goldstein
President & Founder, Study Wizards

icon quotation

“They're always there when I need them, and they get things done when I need to get them done. With Cambria Corporation's help, the client has ensured that all of their applications are functioning smoothly — no outages or any issues. The team continues to ensure a seamless engagement by being very responsive and agile in terms of resolving the client's needs.”

Jeff Joll
President & Owner, State of the Art Systems

icon quotation

“They helped move the project forward and overcome speed bumps. Cambria Corporation’s tool reduced the cost of validating certificates from $13–$15 per certificate to $.015, and it increased the accuracy from 60% to 98%. Their ability to transform an unfamiliar idea into a tangible product was impressive. Ultimately, they were dedicated to the project’s success.”

Kevin Mosby
Tax Director, Media Conglomerate

icon quotation

“We're happy with the quality of work they provide. The internal stakeholders are satisfied by the fact that they don't need to micromanage Cambria Corporation throughout the project. They're particularly impressed with the team's approach to project management and their high level of understanding.”

Christopher Rickman
President, Peak Revenue Learning

icon quotation

“I owe most of my success to Cambria’s work. Cambria Corporation’s efforts have been beneficial, demonstrated by a 10-year collaboration with the client. The team consists of flexible engineers and designers who follow well-documented processes and are able to deliver any project that is asked of them in a timely manner.”

David Phillips
President, Crypton Mobile

Charts shown on screen tracking integration sprints and extensive testing mitigate ASP.NET implementation risks.

Mitigate ASP.NET Implementation Risks

Changing systems is daunting. We ease concerns by:

  • Integrating systems incrementally to reduce disruption. Sprints allow regular delivery and feedback.

  • Extensive testing to validate functionality and reliability. Our QA team executes thousands of permutation tests.

  • Custom training and support for smooth onboarding. We create guides and hold virtual workshops.

With 40+ years refining agile processes and change management expertise, we guide you through successful modernization.

Innovate Faster with ASP.NET

From initial vision to sustained support, our process ensures tailored solutions,
seamless integration, and reliable deployment.

  1. 1


    Align project vision, requirements, timelines to your roadmap.

  2. 2


    Create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces optimized for usability and conversion.

  3. 3


    Build secure, scalable ASP.NET solutions tailored to your needs with agile processes.

  4. 4


    Perform exhaustive QA testing to validate software quality and reliability.

  5. 5


    Prepare users to efficiently adopt new systems and processes through custom guides and workshops.

  6. 6


    Follow proven practices for smooth rollout and user adoption.

  7. 7


    Our team continues supporting your solution, providing maintenance and enhancements.

We Plug into Your Tech Stack

Our teams integrate into your IT environment, tools, and protocols. We support virtually every technology and can build, connect, or modernize systems using preferred:

Proven Success Modernizing Systems

With a proven track record in modernizing systems, we have delivered impressive results across multiple industries. Here are a few examples:

  • Migrated a manufacturing firm to the cloud, improving supply chain efficiency.

  • Developed a telehealth platform for a hospital, facilitating patient care coordination and leading to an increase in virtual visits.

  • Built an analytics dashboard for a retailer, providing visibility into sales metrics and improving turnover.

Partner with us to unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity. Let us help you achieve unprecedented success in the modern business landscape.

Diverse workers using new software technologies punified through modernized systems and increased efficiency.

Let Cambria Philippines build your Software!

  • Successful projects delivered with very high client retention.
  • Highly trained ASP.NET experts available to meet your needs.
  • Flexible engagement models - project-based, staff augmentation, or outsourcing options.
  • Methodical software development and change management based on industry best practices.
icon high quality labor and resource

2565+ Projects

From Almost every Industry

icon timezone

40+ Years Perfecting Software Delivery

Smooth Collaboration Guaranteed

icon language

207+ Top Talent

Rigorous Recruitment and Constant Upskilling

icon work culture

4.3/5 Clutch Satisfaction Rating

From Our Genuine Long-Term Partners

Start Your Digital Evolution with our ASP.NET Services

Partnering catalyzes digital transformation. Our collaboration sparks innovation through new ASP.NET systems tailored to your strategic vision.

Continuous improvements keep your company competitively ahead. Position your organization for the future by taking the first step.

Change moves faster than ever. Digital disruption shapes industries with new technologies. Waiting puts you further behind. Gain a competitive edge by starting your ASP.NET digital evolution today.

A business man in front of an open road symbolizing start of ASP.NET digital evolution to gain a competitive edge.

How to Measure the Success of Your Outsourced ASP.NET Project

A businessman looking at charts comparing costs, time and productivity measure the success of outsourced ASP.NET projects.

When it comes to ASP.NET development services, there are important metrics to track the success of your outsourced project. These metrics include:

  • Cost savings. By recruiting from the Philippines, you can save 60-80% per hire.

  • Faster time-to-market. Immediate onboarding saves you time compared to a lengthy local hiring process.

  • Increased productivity. A 20-30% increase in worker productivity, above industry benchmarks.

Setting targets and regularly reviewing these metrics guarantee a return on investment. Our real-time reporting provides visibility into team productivity and output.

Comparing Talent Cooperation Models

The best talent solution depends on your needs:

  • Consulting quickly fills short-term gaps with our ASP.NET experts.

  • Long-term ASP.NET developer augmentation integrates roles into teams.

  • Project-based assembles cross-functional teams.

We recommend long-term partnerships to maximize productivity, knowledge sharing, and value. Our flexible models adapt to your dynamic requirements.

Manager and developer doing handshakes represent comparing talent models to maximize ASP.NET development value.

Portfolio Showcasing Innovations

We've delivered transformative solutions for companies across diverse industries.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

How can ASP.NET help grow my business?

ASP.NET efficiently builds robust web and mobile apps. A customized solution developed by our experts can help automate processes, streamline operations and give your business a competitive edge.

Common projects include e-commerce, content management, internal tools and custom software as a service (SaaS) apps. We are proficient in a wide range of industries like healthcare, finance, retail and more. Every project is tailored to meet your specific business needs and goals.

Our process is iterative and collaborative. It begins with requirements gathering and proposal development. Then we implement in incremental sprints, getting your feedback at every milestone. This ensures we deliver exactly what you want, on time and on budget. We also provide ongoing support, maintenance and enhancements for the life of the project.

Compared to other options, ASP.NET provides a full-stack unified platform that streamlines development and maintenance. This reduces costs in the long run versus patchwork alternatives. Also, our team of dedicated ASP.NET experts can develop solutions much faster than in-house teams, resulting in a rapid return on investment.

Over 40 years developing ASP.NET applications, we have deep experience across many verticals. Example projects include a healthcare records system, inventory management for retail chains, CRM tools, and custom reporting dashboards. See our portfolio for real examples and case studies. A no-obligation consultation can outline how we may be able to help your specific business.

Industries We Serve

Companies of All Types Trust Us to Drive Their Digital Future

healthcare icon


We securely automate clinical and administrative systems like EHRs and patient portals.

pharmaceutical icon


We create portals that ensure compliance and build adverse event software.

manufacturing icon


We streamline supply chain and production with ERPs and inventory optimization.

education icon


We create immersive digital learning experiences and streamline school administration.

shipping logistic icon


We optimize delivery routes and supply chain visibility with tracking and dispatch systems.

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Real Estate

We modernize legacy property management systems and build online listing and transaction platforms.

startups icon


We rapidly build MVPs and iterate using agile processes to turn innovative ideas into reality.

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We manage and deliver digital content by building different platforms.

financial service icon

Financial Services

We help ensure compliance and prevent fraud with custom mobile banking and trading platforms.

construction icon


We optimize schedules, materials ordering, and equipment tracking with mobile solutions.