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Cambria family celebrating successful software outsourcing partnershipsuccessful software outsourcing partnership Jenny Bacatio, VP Sales, Cambria Corporation
  1. Software Development Outsourcing to Cambria in the Philippines

    In 2007, Cambria established its presence in the Philippines. This strategic move was primarily driven by cost considerations, but our reasons for choosing the Philippines might be of interest to you.

    You may be surprised to learn that the Philippines is the world's third-largest English-speaking country, following only the United States and India. Read More to discover why this is significant for your outsourcing needs.

  1. Cambria's Capabilities and Our Journey in Software Development

    The landscape of software development is ever-evolving, with new tools and programming languages emerging regularly. However, the fundamental principles remain consistent, with updates aimed at enhancing programming efficiency. At Cambria, we pride ourselves on our adaptability and expertise across various technologies.

    Our journey in software development has been marked by continuous learning and adaptation. From our early days working with Turbo Pascal to our current projects involving mobile app development, we've consistently stayed at the forefront of technology trends.

    Flowchart illustrating key steps in offshoring process: task identification, location selection, project management Cambria Staff of the late 1980s

    The Early Years

    Cambria's inception coincided with the PC revolution of the 1980s. We quickly adopted emerging technologies like Turbo Pascal, dBase, Clipper, and FoxPro. Our expertise in these tools allowed us to tackle significant projects, including a decade-long engagement with a Fortune 500 company.

    Flowchart illustrating key steps in offshoring process: task identification, location selection, project management Dick Programming Mitsubishi's video conference application

    Expanding Our Horizons

    As the industry evolved, so did we. The 1990s saw us delving into C and C++ programming, taking on projects for major corporations like Mitsubishi. We developed complex applications, including video conferencing software, showcasing our ability to work with cutting-edge technologies.

    Flowchart illustrating key steps in offshoring process: task identification, location selection, project management Off we go to the Philippines

    Embracing Web Technologies

    The turn of the millennium brought new challenges and opportunities. We embraced Microsoft .NET, which quickly became a cornerstone of our development stack. This period also marked our transition to web-based applications and the beginning of our journey in mobile app development.

    Flowchart illustrating key steps in offshoring process: task identification, location selection, project management Recent picture of Cambria Staff but not including augmentation employees

    Our Present Focus

    Today, Cambria continues to leverage a diverse set of technologies to meet our clients' needs. We've successfully delivered projects across various domains, from enterprise software to mobile applications. Our recent work includes developing a mobile app for enhancing connectivity in high-density environments, such as NFL stadiums.

Flowchart illustrating key steps in offshoring process: task identification, location selection, project management Cambria Christmas Party Joyce and Jenny Bacatio
  1. Staff Augmentation Services

    Cambria offers comprehensive staff augmentation services, tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Our experience in this area has allowed us to refine our approach and deliver exceptional value.

    One of our notable successes in staff augmentation involved providing support for a U.S.-based client, PDX. We assisted them in navigating the complexities of hiring and managing employees in the Philippines. Our services included:

    1. Recruitment assistance and employee management
    2. Payroll processing and benefits administration
    3. Compliance with local regulations

    This project was highly successful, with the team growing to 150 members before the client's acquisition. The success of this engagement demonstrates our ability to scale and adapt to client needs.

    Another ongoing project showcases our flexibility in service delivery. For this client, we handle the entire process from hiring to providing office space and equipment. This arrangement has been successful for over six years, highlighting our commitment to long-term partnerships.

    Our approach to staff augmentation is highly customizable. We work closely with each client to develop a solution that aligns with their specific requirements and objectives. Whether you need assistance with recruitment, payroll management, or full-scale team building, Cambria has the expertise to support your goals.

    Throughout our journey, we've successfully completed numerous projects that demonstrate our capabilities. For instance, our work on the Bertelsmann Certificate Validation Tool, a web application developed using VB.NET and SQL Server, resulted in significant cost savings and improved processing times for our client. Similarly, our development of a C#-based logistics web app for HILLANTHONY led to increased fleet utilization through optimized dispatching and routing.

    These success stories underscore our commitment to delivering tangible business value through our outsourcing and staff augmentation services. By choosing Cambria, you're not just getting access to skilled developers; you're partnering with a team that understands how to translate technical expertise into real-world business outcomes.

    If you're interested in exploring how our staff augmentation services can benefit your organization, we invite you to reach out to our team. We're confident that our experience, flexibility, and commitment to client success can help you achieve your software development and business objectives.

Philippines Software Development Outsourcing: Your Top Choice

Succeed with Offshore Software Development in the Philippines

Software development outsourcing to the Philippines grows 40% yearly. Companies see great results and big benefits.

Outsourcing your software development to the Philippines cuts costs and gives you skilled developers when you need them. Cambria builds your ideal team in the Philippines, whether home-based or office-based.

Data protection

Why the Philippines Excels in Software Development Outsourcing

icon productivity

Cut costs by up to 75% vs local hiring

icon productivity

Access many talented, experienced developers

icon cross-platform

Work with the largest English-speaking population after the USA

icon open-source

Collaborate with developers fluent in American-style English

icon performance

Use a time zone for 24/7 operations

Cambria hires top software developers. Our senior programmers handle any project. They know key languages like C, C++, C#, Java and Python.

Frequently Asked Questions

It allows 24/7 development. We set up good communication and overlapping hours for smooth teamwork.

We focus on protecting your work. Developers sign strong privacy agreements. We use tough security to keep your information safe.

Yes. Our offshore developers know many methods. They adapt to your processes and use your project management tools.

We hire carefully and check work often. We do regular code reviews and track performance. Our senior programmers work well without extra managers or controls.