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Are You Ready to Leave FoxPro Limitations Behind?

For decades, FoxPro supported quick app development but its limitations now hold businesses back. Declining support and lacking modern capabilities frustrate users and IT leaders maintaining outdated systems.

According to a survey, a significant number of organizations still rely on critical legacy FoxPro apps facing modern needs. Developed in the '90s, these complex systems demand constant maintenance despite scarce expertise.

Yet replacing or renovating seems daunting. Disruption concerns, integration complexities, and costs confine companies, but our proven process liberates systems through incremental modernization. Let's discuss how we can help revolutionize your technology.



credibility on executing successful projects


Years of

years of experience for almost four decades

Empower FoxPro Conversion by Modernizing With Our Experts

Don't settle for temporary fixes. With our holistic migration solutions, we fully modernize your systems, not just patch them. We help you envision an optimized digital future beyond technical restrictions.

We guide shifting beyond survival to promote corporate success leveraging .NET, Azure and modern tools. Unconstrained by outdated technology, your revitalized systems will power nimble progress.

Partner with our experts and modernize confidently. Refreshed apps evolve with your evolving needs, granting competitive advantage through aligned technology.

Business leaders discuss migrating a visual foxpro system to leverage cloud capabilities in a boardroom meeting.

Still Hesitating Migrating from FoxPro? We Understand Your Concerns

After relying on FoxPro, replacing seems uncertain. You expect the process to be risky and disruptive to operations. Through incremental transition focused on continuity, we simplify migration.

We've done a number of FoxPro conversions by minimizing impact, reusing proven logic, seamlessly integrating new frameworks, enhancing stability and security, and thoroughly testing transitions.

We also leverage code analysis tools to identify reusable components, reducing redevelopment effort. Extensive validation ensures smooth operations during phased rollouts. Trust our expertise - modernization is simpler than you assume.

Don't Settle for Quick FoxPro Patches

Empower lasting innovation through full system revitalization on .NET. Let's discuss your goals and how we can guide successful migration.

A programmer experiments with rewriting legacy visual foxpro modules in C# with samples on their multiple monitors.


  • Reduced Risk
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  • Hands-on Training
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  • Cost Savings
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  • Integrated Security
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  • Cloud Scalability
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Cambria Website on Mobile Phone


  • Enhanced Agility
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  • Streamlined Operations
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  • Lower Long-Term Costs
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  • Modern Capabilities
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  • Improved Performance
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Discover Our FoxPro to .NET Conversion Partnership

software outsourcing

FoxPro Conversion Outsourcing

Transition gradually to minimize impact over multiple short iterations for continuous feedback.

custom programming

Custom Migration Development

Redefine systems from the ground up leveraging full platform capabilities.

staff augmentation

FoxPro Staff Augmentation

Our FoxPro to ASP.NET conversion experts integrate into your team to ramp up delivery capabilities.

Achieve Your FoxPro Goals Through Expert-Led Modernization

With cloud flexibility and reliability, your modernized apps are positioned for growth. Avoid wasted funds maintaining obsolete systems as your future-proofed technology supports expanding ambitions.

  • SQL Server. By migrating your database to SQL Server, you gain advanced capabilities like predictive analytics and Power BI integration lacking in FoxPro's outdated db format.

  • C# and VB.NET. By rewriting programs in C# and VB.NET, maintainable solutions seamlessly integrate innovations like web connectivity, robust reporting, and streamlined workflows.

Whether pursing stability, costs savings or innovation support, our team crafts tailored approaches based on your unique context to realize desired outcomes. Contact us to modernize your apps from FoxPro’s limitations today.

Data engineers test integrating a converted SQL database with Power BI during a foxpro to .NET migration project.

What Our Clients Say

Here are some unsolicited testimonials from our clients.




Clutch Satisfaction Rating

icon quotation

“Cambria Corporation is incredibly responsive, helpful, and accommodating. Cambria Corporation has delivered a responsive and easy-to-navigate site, which was well-received by visitors. The flexible, collaborative team exceeds expectations through their responsiveness, insightful recommendations, and ability to quickly fix issues and provide top-notch client support.”

Michael Goldstein
President & Founder, Study Wizards

icon quotation

“They're always there when I need them, and they get things done when I need to get them done. With Cambria Corporation's help, the client has ensured that all of their applications are functioning smoothly — no outages or any issues. The team continues to ensure a seamless engagement by being very responsive and agile in terms of resolving the client's needs.”

Jeff Joll
President & Owner, State of the Art Systems

icon quotation

“They helped move the project forward and overcome speed bumps. Cambria Corporation’s tool reduced the cost of validating certificates from $13–$15 per certificate to $.015, and it increased the accuracy from 60% to 98%. Their ability to transform an unfamiliar idea into a tangible product was impressive. Ultimately, they were dedicated to the project’s success.”

Kevin Mosby
Tax Director, Media Conglomerate

icon quotation

“We're happy with the quality of work they provide. The internal stakeholders are satisfied by the fact that they don't need to micromanage Cambria Corporation throughout the project. They're particularly impressed with the team's approach to project management and their high level of understanding.”

Christopher Rickman
President, Peak Revenue Learning

icon quotation

“I owe most of my success to Cambria’s work. Cambria Corporation’s efforts have been beneficial, demonstrated by a 10-year collaboration with the client. The team consists of flexible engineers and designers who follow well-documented processes and are able to deliver any project that is asked of them in a timely manner.”

David Phillips
President, Crypton Mobile

Developers validate the functionality of a converted user interface during a visual foxpro to .NET conversion.

Expert-Led FoxPro to .NET Conversions

We specialize in structured, controlled migrations through proven processes, specialized techniques, and experience solving prior complex projects. Understanding your needs, we map a low-risk transition plan.

  • For example, our data migration team precisely moves data stores to the upgraded schema while validating accuracy without dropping information.

  • We also optimize user experiences by modernizing interfaces with current design best practices and validating interfaces meet goals through usability studies.

  • We leverage .NET unit testing to validate converted components before integration.

With our specialist expertise, you avoid common modernization pitfalls for smoother FoxPro to .NET migrations.

Follow Our Tried-And-True FoxPro Conversion Steps

  1. 1


    Analyze functionality, dependencies and data.

  2. 2


    Define roles, timeline, budgets and requirements.

  3. 3


    Architect new .NET system aligned to goals.

  4. 4

    Data Migration

    Transfer data from FoxPro to SQL Server.

  5. 5

    Code Conversion

    Rewrite FoxPro logic and integrations in .NET.

  6. 6


    Perform exhaustive validation across use cases.

  7. 7


    Execute gradual cutover to minimize disruption.

We Plug into Your Tech Stack

Our teams integrate seamlessly with existing systems. We support virtually every technology and can build, connect, or modernize systems using preferred:

Proven FoxPro Systems Modernization

With a proven track record in modernizing systems, we have delivered impressive results across multiple industries. Here are a few examples:

  • Converted an education company's records system to .NET, improving access and recovery. This let them handle a surge in online enrollment.

  • Migrated a manufacturing firm’s supply chain app to boost performance and scalability. This supported the company's expansion, increasing production.

  • Rebuilt a healthcare provider’s practice management system with a modern architecture. This lowered costs by while achieving HIPAA compliance.

Let our team of FoxPro and .NET experts modernize your apps. We deliver solutions that evolve with your business and position you for future success.

Designer demonstrates the improved features of a modernized system developed after migrating from visual foxpro to .NET.

Let Cambria Philippines Modernize your FoxPro App!

  • Our phased approach reduces risk and disruption.
  • We simplify integration with modern platforms.
  • Our team has expertise in FoxPro and .NET.
  • We provide extensive training for smooth adoption.
icon high quality labor and resource

2565+ Projects

From Almost every Industry

icon timezone

40+ Years Perfecting Software Delivery

Smooth Collaboration Guaranteed

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207+ Top Talent

Rigorous Recruitment and Constant Upskilling

icon work culture

4.3/5 Clutch Satisfaction Rating

From Our Genuine Long-Term Partners

Start Your Visual FoxPro Conversion Project Today

We modernized your legacy apps to take advantage of all the latest innovations. By rebuilding your architecture on .NET and migrating your data to SQL Server, we bring your platforms up-to-date.

Gradual improvements maintain competitiveness. Don't delay positioning your organization for ongoing success.

The pace of innovation demands agility. Transform risk into opportunity by kicking off your migration engagement now.

Engineers monitor the loading performance of rearchitected web applications from outdated visual foxpro platforms.

Ensure a Successful FoxPro Migration by Setting Clear Metrics

Client reviews metrics charts to ensure their visual foxpro to .NET conversion delivers cost savings and improvements.

When it comes to ASP.NET development services, there are important metrics to track the success of your outsourced project. These metrics include:

  • Performance and stability goals. Like supporting 100% more users or cutting processing time in half.

  • Scalability and efficiency metrics. Immediate onboarding saves you time compared to a lengthy local hiring process.

  • Cost savings and security benchmarks. For example, reducing legacy maintenance costs 60% or lessening high severity flaws by 75%.

Jointly setting key performance indicators and tracking progress ensures your migration delivers value. Our FoxPro specialists help establish realistic checkpoints and deliverables tailored to your needs. With goals aligned from the start, we can objectively gauge success and refine initiatives to fully achieve migration aims.

What to Look for in Your FoxPro Migration Partner?

Selecting the best partner requires vetting experience, methodologies and alignment to your unique needs. Consider the following when evaluating:

  • Proven track record of migrations successfully delivered with high customer satisfaction.

  • Tailored approach and strategies to address your specific challenges and constraints.

  • Low-risk methodology like incremental phased process to minimize disruption throughout transition.

With 40+ years of software development experience, we have demonstrated skills to handle any complexity. We take time understanding your environment to develop an optimized plan, avoiding common challenges faced by others. Contact us to explore how we can help you succeed.

Consultants propose foxpro conversion methodology to address concerns around risk and alignment for a potential migration.

Portfolio Showcasing Innovations

We've delivered transformative solutions for companies across diverse industries.

Top FoxPro Conversion Questions Answered

How long does a typical migration take?

Migrations usually take months depending on size and complexity. We work in phases to control scope and risk.

Cost depends on legacy app size, target platforms, data volume, integrations, and other variables.

We take an incremental approach and provide extensive testing and training for smooth transitions during cutover.

Modernizing FoxPro apps improves security, performance, scalability, efficiency, reliability and more.

We offer unmatched expertise, a 95%+ success rate, and laser focus on delivering business results - not just technical upgrades.

Industries We Serve

Companies of All Types Trust Us to Drive Their Digital Future

healthcare icon


Modernize systems for lower costs and better care.

pharmaceutical icon


Convert portals that ensure compliance and build adverse event software.

manufacturing icon


Optimize production with real-time data.

education icon


Support enrollment growth with scalable apps.

shipping logistic icon


Coordinate delivery with mobile apps and GPS tracking.

real estate icon

Real Estate

Modernize legacy property management systems and build online listing and transaction platforms.

startups icon


Rapidly build MVPs and iterate using agile processes to turn innovative ideas into reality.

media icon


Manage and deliver digital content by building different platforms.

financial service icon

Financial Services

Prevent fraud with instant processing.

construction icon


Optimize schedules, materials ordering, and equipment tracking with mobile solutions.